Doctors Line in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Doctors Line

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FrillyPancake | 10:30 Tue 31st Dec 2013 | Health & Fitness
6 Answers
Can you tell me if - when i go back after the month that i have been off, if i explain to the doctor that i am still no better will they be able to sign me off for another month so i can properly get better or will they refer me to see another doctor to give the the doctors line, or will they suggest i go back my work (the catalist for my stress)-getting severly bullied for reasons i wont go into just now, but i have a grievance written up to hand to HR after the NY about this particular person's behaviour. My husband also agrees i cannot go back just yet-am a nervious wreck and continually get very upset when i talk about the situation-i have never been off work like this in my life.... I cannot quit until i have secured another job - which is on the cards right now anyway. I dont know how these things work-guess my question is can the original doctor i saw give me another line or do things move to a medical through the company i work for, or will they ask me to go and see another doctor or will they be reluctant to give me another line for an additional month so i can properly recoup?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Firstly, the doctor's sick note will originally have stated how long they expect you to be unable to work, so you need to go back for a review of the situation - and if things are no better, there appears to be no reason why the doctor's note shouldn't be extended for (say) another month. The doctor cannot sign you off as Fit to Return to Work until they believe you are fit, mentally or physically. However, your employer may feel that you need to see their own Occupational Health doctor, to back up or otherwise what your own GP says - but this will depend entirely on your employer's Sickness policy, usually this happens after a couple of months, not immediately. Your GP is the only person who can determine whether or not you are in a condition to resume your existing work. Go and talk to your GP and explain that you are still feeling severe stress, and ask if the sickness absence can be extended.
^ this opinion relates to England, not sure if you are in Scotland since you refer to it as a doctor's line? Should be the same principle though.
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Thank you boxy. The line is till the 13th i go back to doctor on 10th so if i explain the situation they will hopefully agree i am still unfit to return and sign me iff for one more month? I hope so...
I can't see why not, if you are still displaying symptoms which make you unfit to work - but I'm not your GP.....

Good luck xx
Not to worry you but, I think, also there will be a difference between a circumstance where you are unwell and something can be done in the next month to make you well again and where you are being made unwell by the thought of returning to your current job and it was your current job that made you unwell if you see what i mean? In the second circ there may be something that only you can do to make yourself well and it may not be seen as reasonable for you to continue to receive SSP....all you can do is talk to the doc though.

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