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As The Life Of The Old Year Draws Peacefully To A Close, And '14 Waits Impatiently To Make Its Debut,...

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sandyRoe | 09:21 Tue 31st Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
...may I wish all my fellow ABers a happy, peaceful, and prosperous new year?


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Same to you Sandyroe. And if anyone inadvertentely or maliciously gives you any alcohol I am available to come and remove offending bottles.
Thank you Sandy, and the very same to you.

Thank you also for trying to encourage we heathens to "see the light". It must be an uphill struggle. The Sisyphus of Belfast ;o)
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I long ago gave up any hope of trying to help any of the goodly unGodly here in AB move towards salvation. For a little while I did harbour a hope but as the ABer in question neared the brow of the hill of enlightenment they slipped, or pretended to, and rolled down to the base.
I've decided it will be task enough to save myself. Physician heal thyself, seems apt. (Luke 4:23)
Sandy, I wish you and all AB'ers a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year xx
And a Happy & Healthy New Year to you Sandy, and to all those that you hold dear.

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As The Life Of The Old Year Draws Peacefully To A Close, And '14 Waits Impatiently To Make Its Debut,...

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