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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:26 Wed 01st Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
51 Answers


Here we go again. Let's see what we get this year. I hope you get what you want and want what you get.



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Good morning WBM and all and a Happy new year . Raining here. Have a nice day hope there are not too many headaches.
Yes a bacon or sausage sarnie may be in order! Coffee first. I came off off eggs with my January booze diet (that starts Monday) last year....haven't touched a 'direct' egg since then, the thought of the egg white gagging me. A world-class Eggs Benedict may just tip that though.....Hong Kong is a little far away for a quick visit to the Mandarin Oriental.
Morning Wendi, Paddy and naomi....
Morning, Boaty and all.....and a very Happy New Year.....x
Morning DT and a happy new year to you .
Morning, gness, Happy New Year to you, a healthy, happy and prosperous one - and to all ABers who drop in here.
morning all, hope you all had a good night
Thank you, DTC.....and to you....with calm thrown in.....☺...x
Morning, Fluff......quiet and happy......xx
morning all, I went to bed just before midnight, Minnie [ dog] was spooked by all the fireworks she was shaking and needed to be cuddled.
When I first moved back here from Dubai some 20 years ago we did first footing[I come from Geordie stock] and neighbours would be at their doors banging saucepans and shouting "happy new year" across the street to each other, nowadays with our multicultural society nothing like that occurs anymore, how times have changed, sad really, what ever happened to community spirit, when did it die a death ?
Afternoon to you morning peeps. Happy new year to you all. I wonder if
Welshy's set a date for the wedding?

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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