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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:05 Fri 03rd Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
76 Answers
Friday. The stars were out playing whilst I was walking. They've scarpered and the wind is flexing it's muscles. The rains recce party is wandering about, the main force will be here soon. sigh

Have a happy day anyway everyone.


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Time to make a move and venture out.

Have a happy day everyone.
Haven't seen the gogglebox yet, sloopy.. now the next priority is the coffee - just ordered a replacement router from BT.
morning all from a wet & windy Essex, not a bit like yersters when we actually had sunshine and I managed to get three full loads of washing dry.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Morning everyone (just missed boaty, i see) xx
had a bit of a late one meeting up with some friends last night. Really lovely to see them. I'm glad I've got a fairly quiet day today, though. Might go back to bed later:-)

Morning all from a wet, very windy and generally 'orrible N/Kent.
Off to Hospital for a Check-up shortly so that's probably most of the day written off, we shall see.
Have a good day all.
hello again.
hope all goes well boaty.

Well, the rain has changed from Heavy to Biblical proportions, 'tis not going to be a fun day by the look of it.
Good luck at the hospital, balders - the deluge hasn't reached here yet, it's just v. windy - got to take the cat to the vet for 10am :-(

If it's anything like our Cat you need elbow length gauntlets and a cattle-prod when the Vets involved!
hope all goes well at the hospital balders. i'm sure everything will be okay. xx

wind is getting up a bit more now. just thought i'd let you all know what is on its way to some of you.

You know where we are Lj, on the Front, 100yds from the Pub, and it's really blowing along here.
Our cats are pretty good at going to the vets, they don't like it, but it's a necessary evil, and No. 1 Son has to go for a monthly injection.

Baldric - looking north east towards Margate, we can see clear blue sky in the distance....

Ok, that's it, off for a shower, see you later!

Boxy, we can see it, by the time it gets here we'll be in Canterbury though!
Good morning all. Have a nice day everybody. xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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