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St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild Quizzes

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DSJ | 17:29 Tue 31st Dec 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Thanks to so many of you who have supported my quizzes over the years. You probably know that I am bowing out gracefully when the current one closes in August but a Guild member's husband is taking over from me then. His quizzes will, I am sure, be as good as, or a lot better than, mine.

Please continue to support our quizzes in future.

A very happy 2014 to you all.



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Thank you for all the head-scratching and brain teasing fun - good to know the quizzes will continue.

Happy New Year.

Lynne x
Fully agree with Mamy, have kept the old grey cells working. Good wishes for 2014.
Question Author
Thank you so much. It's good to know that my quizzes have given you both so much pleasure.
I must concur with mamyalynne & furrypusscat have always enjoyed your quizzes Jill & will certainly continue to support your charity good luck & thank you :-)
Question Author
Thank you. I hope that the new compiler will keep to a similar format with forty clues, some factual and some cryptic. It seems to work well that way. However, I must leave it up to him and not interfere!
Thank you Jill for the pleasure your quizzes have given. Wishing all the best for 2014.
I`m only sorry that I missed all your quizzes, I started doing quizzes advertised on here in 2012 I think it was. I will be sending off for your last one though, it sounds right up my street :)
Question Author
Excellent. Thank you, Fairlight.

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St. Guthlac's Ladies' Guild Quizzes

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