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Sunny Dave.

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cupid04 | 14:33 Fri 03rd Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Is your new avatar anyone famous? If yes, who is it please?


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Looks like me .Suppose I'm quite famous really
Looks like a Wedgie to me ................ ;o)
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Yep, wedgie it is.
I thought it was Tony Benn?
It is
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Sorry, I don't get the Wedgie/Wedgewood reference?

I don't really remember him very well...
Anthony Neil Wedgwood "Tony" Benn,
Question Author
Thank you, everyone answered but the man himself, lol!
Thank you Mamya.
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Tony Benn - a hero of mine - used as a temporary antidote to an outbreak of Thatchers in News - my yellow Nelly will be back soon.
"There are two types of politician: Signposts and weathervanes. Signposts only point in one direction. You see which way they are pointing and you either follow them or you don't. Weather-vanes look at which way public opinion is going and tell everyone that's where they're heading, changing this way, then that. I only trust the Signposts".

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Do you know the answer?

Sunny Dave.

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