you say you are in a dark place,, that is nothing to the darkest most terrifying place imaginable, just my belief, ive been there many times where you are now, i cant see any light ahead of me, i cant help it, the darjness will not go away, you know ive actually locked myself away in a cupboard and cried, its called depression, i come out of it by myself, it comes and goes like a dark cloud hanging over me, give it time, fight it !!! do not give into it. if you seen what i had been through in my life you would count your lucky stars believe me, i look at my 4 year old daughter and there is no way in this world i would hurt her by killing myself, it would ruin her life !! fight it, take sunbeds, try the gym, excercise, get out more, go see friends, talk to them about it. do what you like that feels good for you whatever that may be, but most of all be patient , it will pass and fight it !!!!!!