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Jeffrey Archer

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stewey | 16:59 Sat 04th Jan 2014 | Books & Authors
13 Answers
I suppose that I could Google this. but there are lots of knowledgeable people on here. How many books are there in the "Clifton Chronicles", and what are their titles in sequence?


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Thanks, boxtops. I seem to recall reading somewhere that there were five books.
There will be 5 eventually. The 4th Be careful what you wish for is out sometime this year(2014)
Are you going to read them, stewey? The weather must be bad.
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Thank you, dr pop. So there are going to be two more. Tilly, you
don't like Archer?
In spite of his rep he's a very good writer .
Kane and Abel was brilliant in it's time and a good mini series for TV with Peter Strauss .
No, stewey, I don't. Each to his own though. How are y'all doing?
Dr Pop - the 4th was out 2013 - I've read it. It says in it the 5th is due this spring and there will probably be more. I had it from the public library, so I can't refer to it for number of future volumes and dates.
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Not bad, Tilly. I'll feel even better after a shave and shower...see you.
Bhg-I'm a bit confused. When you said 4 was already out I thought id missed one. So I googled it and, according to archers own blog(last updated 16-12-2013)the 4th book has been to the proof-reader and will be out March 2014??
Dr Pop - if you look at Boxtop's link (1st response), I've read all four of them. I think the 5th is due out in March 2014. As I said earlier, I don't have the book any more, so I can't confirm the numbers but I seem to remember some comment (from Archer) saying that there were going to be more books in the series than he originally thought there would be. If your information is based on a comment in one of the earlier books perhaps Archer has changed his timetable as well as the possible number of books in the series.
I've put these on my reading list - I don't like Jeffrey Archer himself, but I do like his style of writing.
Dr Pop - I'm getting my knickers in a knot here. I've just looked at my list of books read and volume 4 isn't there. When I re-read your latest post, which said your info came from Archer's web site, I checked the site and my list and book 4 wasn't there. I must have come across the title at the end of book 3, making it familiar to me, and I believed I had read it. Apologies. Now I can look forward to reading it.

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