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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:55 Mon 06th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
Monday. Another working week begins. (Now someone is going to say they work Thursday to Tuesday or some such)

I've been for my usual early morning walk. All the stars were out all over the sky. It didn't stop it raining though! Odd, to say the least.

Have a happy day everyone.


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I'm OK thanks pix. Can't remember the last time I had a cold. :o} Mind you I have more sophisticated things to cope with. :-D
Oh dear! :D
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Such is life. ;o}
Morning, Naomi. How are you? x
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Morning naomi xxx All well? :o}
I'm ok thanks Pixie - it's the others. :o/

How are you?
I'm well thanks, WBM. A miserable day outside though. Someone told me snow is forecast - no surprise for January really. :o)
It is the others! All good here, thanks.
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There's so many of them others too isn't there! :o}

I reckon we will get some snow in a couple of week's time. But I don't think it will be too much...I hope not anyway!
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Time to go and give the day a kicking. Have a happy day everyone. :o}
Well I have braved the elements and no damage done so far apart from a few small dead larch trees blown down, they will be good for firewood. So far I haven't had to buy any firewood, I have just been cutting up fallen trees around the farm. Free heating! I love it!!

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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