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Towels..........and Sizes

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Tilly2 | 21:20 Tue 07th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
Ladies, do you know why, when you give a man a pile of towels, all neatly folded into hand, bath and sheets sizes and ask them to put them in the airing cupboard, they just bung the whole pile on the smallest pile there is, without differentiating the size.? Is it a spacial awareness thing which differs between man and women? Or, is it just laziness?


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Our hand towels are rolled and put on a shelf near the sink, no problem there, and the bath towels are piled - er - near the bath. We don't have an airing cupboard.
Why would she? He is attached to her suspenders. :)
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No airing cupboard, boxy? OMG! Where does everything go?
Night everyone, I am being called :)
Ferlew, that's why he is constantly in suspense
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It lives in different cupboards, tilly. The bedlinen goes in a cupboard in the spare bedroom, the towels in the bathroom. There isn't anything else I'd keep in an airing cupboard?
This thread reminds me of when I was in the RAF.During basic training we were told "you will do as you're told, don't do as you think." Later, while waiting for orders we were told "don't wait for orders, use your initiative".:o)
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Isn't 'don't wait for orders, use you initiative' just another order, vulcan?
That's true Tilly but we thought one contradicted the other.
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Well, yes, they do don't they. I don't suppose that it was the only case of contrariness you came across.
One puts it where there is space. Presumably on the small pile.
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When I was little I pooped my pants
& 'hid' them in the airing cupboard.
Funny enough, my mum found them quite quickly.
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Did you fold them or scrunch them, sweety?
I was pretty smart, tilly. (So I thought) put them down the bottom(lol) of the biggest pile.
I couldn't figure out how she found them so quick. ;)
By the way,till. If you need a break from your long drive to Stoke, feel free to stop off here. ;)
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Sorry, sweety I can't. I'm going on the train.

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