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See Peter Andre Has Had His Baby

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slinky.kate | 17:46 Wed 08th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
a little girl,i am happy for them .


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A miracle baby?
' Peter Andre has had his baby'... That must have been painful for him and unique!!
Was there a woman involved? Typical!
It is a strange number for the main manufacturers to have settled on (number is printed on pack) a quick email would likely elicit a response.
apologies , wrong thread. Sorry Kate.x

Didn't know he was expecting, wonder how I missed that!
oh good, another child he can ' use' on some reality show.
I always thought there was something a bit girly about him.
I expect every moment has been captured on film, I don't like Katie Price one bit but didn't she teach him well about documenting everything to make more money ?

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