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cupid04 | 18:20 Wed 08th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Have you still got your police uniform? Does it still fit?


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Anything you say may be taken down..................
Velvet ones cupid
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I prefer fluffy!
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Still got your notebook pal?x
That brings back memories cupid pal. I (among others) was called to an incident involving a baby elephant at the annual circus in Glasgow's Kelvin Hall. When the sergeant read my report he asked me if the elephant was African or Indian. I asked him what was the difference and he explained about the different size of ears. I told him I couldn't say because it was wearing a balaclava. I didn't get promoted for a long time after that.
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You're funny. xx
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What rank did you achieve?
rotten :-)
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You're not that bad, lol! You always cheer me up.
Inspector actually, I think it was to keep me out of the road of the traffic. Oh the stories I could tell you :-).
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Go on, promise I won't tell a soul!
are they your own handcuffs sibs? i just can't find the ones that dave and i usually use.
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I didn't know nun's were kinky:-)
I'd love to cupid pal but you know what this place is like, besides, I don't think they're suitable for your wee magic English rosy ears, eg, "and did your husband tell you where he was going with the bread-knife Mrs McGlumphie?.....
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