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If You Are Lucky You Might Be Able To See The Northern Lights In The Uk...

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stokemaveric | 20:09 Thu 09th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
if its not cloudy as usual...


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Hope we do stokey, saw this earlier.
20:11 Thu 09th Jan 2014
little hero - many thanks SM
If I can see the lights of Guildford on a clear night that's plenty Northern for me ;-)
I saw them across Salisbury Plain some years ago......absolutely amazing!!!
Oh, another sleepless night on the cards!
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sorry till lol...thanks for the link tony...hope you get a glimpse peter...
No chance here with the light pollution.
I think aurorawatch must be struggling to cope with demand. It's struggling to load.
No activity right now but it's probably a bit early yet
Probably only blue flashy lights around this part of the north!
Between midnight and 3 am best time.
Won't see them on the Thames estuary, then?
You'd have to be VERY lucky Cupid.
According to my information (from a very clever scienty type bloke) it could well be a bit sooner than that. I would love to be able to explain this but I have no idea. Good updates on BBC2 Live atm.

I have no idea how to interpret any of this but someone might.

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