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TWR | 19:56 Thu 09th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
If you were in Government, sort out this mess, would you start by Positively shutting the gates to start with, then what?


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That £10 could be the difference between having a Sunday roast and a Xmas dinner.
I think some pensioners would be very sad indeed if it was taken away.

//may not sound a lot, but helps//
//I bought a bottle of Fizz with mine//

Speaks volumes on the need for these benefits
They just send it, too - I didn't even realise that :-(

My first comment was in reference to the Cold Weather payment, when the temperature drops below freezing.

My second re the Christmas Bonus was a joke, as with all these automatic payments (mine is DLA based not Pension) some need it more than others.
And anyway what does it matter what it's spent on, it's a Christmas bonus, so why not buy a treat with it? Some pensioners don't get many of those I'm sure !
Possibly, but I wasn't answering with a view to whether you agreed with or not. As I read it TWR was asking what we'd do if we were in charge. Well, i'd do that :-)
My comment wasn't meant for you !!
I understand you B00 and it is a good point you raise.I have read that Government say it would cost more to means test certain things rather than leave as they are - I do not know the truth of that.

I just wanted to put the record straight as Baldric put two quotes of mine together, when they were about different things.
Well that's alright then, i don't need to ban you then!

(I'm kidding x)
BOO - glad you're not in charge - pensioner basher !!!
You can ban me if you want, couldn't give a flying f*** !!!

Anyway must dash - better things to do .....
Oh heck!!

Now look what you've started TWR!
I was joking :-(
Question Author
Try again, what improvement would you make to sort out the UKs mess, Benefits, Immigration, foreign Aid etc
Cut foreign aid by 50% for starters.
Scrub the VAT on new builds and help to kick-start the construction industry.
Find out if there was anything I could do to see about apprentice-ships for all industries.

Kick out the illegals who have been found, through court, that they are here illegally, no ifs, ands, or buts, get them on the first plane to nowheresville.
(Surely they must have travelled through other countries to get here anyway?)

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