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Seven Days Mag

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grumpee | 18:17 Sun 12th Jan 2014 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Really struggling with this this week

13a blue Bloodied (12) u- - t - c - - - - -
7d rancorous (9) - - - r - o - I -
10d dredge (up) (4) - -- -
11d non-vociferous group (6, 8) - - - - - - / - a- o -I - y
56a cattle feed (6) - o - - - -
57d creative (4) - - t -
51d cheerless / gloomy (6) r - - - r -



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7 vitriolic
10 rake
11 silent majority
56 forage
57 arty
You're only showing 11 for the first clue
51 dreary?
13a Aristocratic
13A Aristocratic
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thanks everyone

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