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mirena coil

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Marijn | 16:38 Thu 04th Mar 2010 | Health & Fitness
17 Answers
Has anyone had the mirena coil? Would you recommend it, or not? What are the pros and cons? I'm specifically interested in it's use to help combat heavy periods, and for helping women through the menopause. Thank you.


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I have had the Mirena coil fitted since April last year. I got it because I have PCOS and VERY heavy periods. I was on the Dianette pill for a number of years without any problems until a new doctor discovered that I had focal migraines (I have suffered from these since age 11 and I am now 37) and ordered me to come off this straight away. I tried other (mini) pills and had a nightmare of a time with them. Therefore the doctor suggested I try the Mirena coil. I was a bit nervous at first but she gave me some leaflets to read through and I decided to go with it. I must be honest and say that insertion was the most painful experience I have EVER had! Saying that I have not had children which makes it more painful and (according to the doctor) I have very strong muscles 'down there'. I sufferred from severe cramp for a few hours afterwards but that eased with Ibuprofen. I then sufferred from a milder cramp for a week or so then that stopped too. For a couple of months I had 'spotting' but that has stopped now and my periods are VERY light. Hooray!!!!!
One thing I must point out though is that I put on a fair amount of weight at first and did consider having it removed but in the last couple of months the weight has dropped off me. I'm back to my original size but my boobs are bigger (added bonus! lol).
For me it was worth it but everybody is different. I would suggest giving it a go if the downsides (well what happened to me) don't put you off and you are prepared to persevere.

Good luck whatever you decide :-).
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Thank you very much neesy, your answer has given me loads to think about.
I had one fitted 6 years ago but i think its time to be removed now , i read the "lifespan " for the mirena coil is about 6 years , i had a general anesthetic to have it put in so didnt feel a thing , my periods stopped immediately , im 53 and still get hot flushes though !

hope this helps
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Hi Ladybird thanks for answering. Did you put on weight or get spots or have any negative effects? My friend got the Mirena coil about two years ago and totally lost her sex drive.

I'm glad to have given you something to think about.

I notice you ask about spots.

I get spots anyhow before a period and still do (and I'm 37) so can't really say anything about that one. As for sex drive, mine has not changed since having Mirena fitted.

I hope this helps :-)

Take care.
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Thank you neesy, you've been very helpful. Do you know how soon you're allowed to have it removed if you don't like it?
You can have it removed as soon as you like if you find that it is not for you. I had one put in 3 years ago and it is the best thing that I ever did! No periods.. No PMS.. No spots and no Weight gain.. Also, my sex drive went through the roof!

Ladybird.. You are supposed to get the coil replaced every five years so if you have had it in for 6 then it has probably stopped working as the drug that it has in it will have been all used up.
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Thank you Bagpuss. I thought I heard somewhere that you would have to go private to have it removed if the NHS think you haven't given it a long enough chance, as they wouldn't want to waste money on patient's "whims". But I don't remember how long they think a long enough chance, is. Bagpuss are you anywhere near menopause age?
Hi i had the mirena fitted last November and it was extremely painful! I have had 3 children and it was just like labour pains! During Dec & Jan I had severe period pains and bleeding for most the time. After going to a check i decided to presevere and now into the 3rd month i have only had slight bleeding for a few days. I had it fitted because of heavy periods and have been told that it can stay in for 7+ yrs or until i go through the menopause. Not noticed any weight gain or spots YET - just sore boobs!! Going to keep persevering for at least 6 months and if the side effects havent gone i will ask the Dr to remove it!! Good Luck!!
I had one for 5 years and it was great. Hurt a lot when put in and for a couple of days after I felt like i was having the most terrible period pains. After that though - no periods for the full 5 years - bliss! Had it removed then because that's how long you're supposed to have them for.

I was told they don't normally give them to you if you were under 30 and hadn't had children - which was me at the time, but because of the problems i'd been having, they let me have one. I thought it may have ruined chances of conception in future, but am happy to report i'm now 9 weeks pregnant yay !

I'd certainly recommend the coil though - so much easier than having to worry about taking the pill, getting prescriptions, buying tampons - ah, happy days !

(make sure you stock up on strong painkillers before you have it inserted though - just in case - but it will only be for a couple of days, if that, so well worth it!).

Good luck ! xxxx
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Thank you yelenots and beaver diva for all your advice. Congratulations on your pregnancy beaver diva. I must be a coward because the idea of just a couple of days pain really puts me off. The bigger boobs thing is an incentive though :-)
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Has anyone considered ablation as a way to lessen the flow of heavy periods? I have a choice of the Mirena coil or ablation. Has anyone any advice?
Hi notafish

Sorry I did not answer your question about removal (I have not been on for a while) but I did notice BagPuss answered it for you.

I don't know anything about ablation I'm afraid.

Good luck! :-)
Notafish.. I am 36 so (hopefully!) far from menopause age. I do admit that having it inserted was the most painful thing I have experienced for a while as I have not had any children so my uterus is quite small in comparison.
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Thank you all very much for your input, it's been very helpful to me.
Hi, I had mine fitted about one week ago because I had terrible reactions to the implant. The pain when they put it in was EXCRUCIATING. I am only 22 and have never had babies, and reading here that it's like having contractions makes me feel alot better about my reaction to having it. It really was agony. I am experiencing pretty chronic cramps since, but nothing compared to the actual insertion. I am taking alot of painkillers, and really hoping that the cramps will fade, as it's not very nice. Am also hoping that there is no weight gain, as I experienced that with the implant and don't fancy anymore ta muchly!! But if the pain goes soon, I'm confident it's got to be ALOT better than the implant as it made me CRAZY with extreme hormones and 8 solid weeks of bleeding! Fingers crossed!!
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