Meat and dairy produce packed full of hormones may influence growth.
Dairy and dark green leafy veg, especially brassicas, are good sources of calcium.
The main influence is genetic unless the child is chronically unwell, chronically abused, or malnourished.
If your son wants a guesstimate of his eventual height, then you are usually half your adult height at the age of 2 (+/- 4cm).
Alternatively, measuring both parents height, and working out what centile they are on (ie what percentage of the population would be shorter than them). Take the average of the 2 centile figures and that should give you a prediction of the child's centile, which you can then read off on a height chart for boys (as it is your son).
One other point, just from observation, not sure if it is confirmed, but obese children are taller before puberty, but enter puberty earlier, so seem to end up shorter as adults, presumably because their bones fuse at a younger age.