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/// The nannies are doing it because they want to, better than a job as a waitress or shop assistant which is also minimum wage and no health insurance. ///
/// I would take a very heavy bet that these nannies get clothing provided and free food in addition to the wage.///
There you go you just cannot help yourself, a perfectly reasonable and thought out summery and then you had to spoil it by stating this.
/// Of all the Daily Wail non stories you come up with aog this has to be the most banal. ///
If these so called "Daily Wail" non stories upset you so much why do you continue to comment on them, if you think that I will somehow discontinue my right to post perfectly lawful news stories taken from whatever source I choose and given whatever heading title I also choose you are very much mistaken.
It is interesting to note however that most others are allowed to choose whatever story, whatever story source, give them whatever heading, and make regular spelling mistakes, without the pack of usual suspects continuous jumping down on them.