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I Have Loads To Do Today

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Tilly2 | 10:07 Sun 19th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
so why am I sitting here with my third cup of tea?


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brewed and made tea, bernie, by the sounds of it - and sit in front of her pc!
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Er.......emptied the diswasher, put a load of washing in, some questions, four cups of tea.....sorted the dogs some

---had a fifth cup of tea
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No, excel!
5th cup! That's a new meaning for "going to pot....."
I have nothing to do today and that is exactly what I have achieved so far.

I am trying to drum up some enthusiasm to toast a muffin but I really cannot be bothered......

oh go on - indulge yourself

i am about to have one myself
to much er-ing for my likes lol xx
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Oh, god! Mr Tilly has just started hoovering. I'd better shift myself. Eccles, get the toaster on.
See you all later.
I've done some bits around the house today and just made lunch.

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