Yes read this earlier.
Some of the arguments don't make a lot of sense
for example the argument that tactics didn't change and that as evidence for this it is cited //men in cloth caps charged the enemy without the necessary covering fire//
But they might have added another myth that this was the first modern war - The American Civil war saw use of Gattling guns and trench warfare!
So the question is why the hell were troops in cloth caps charging trenches without covering fire half a century later?
The officers commanding like Kitchener and Haig had built experience in Africa and India and thought that qualified them for a war against another European army.
Another key question - and this continues to some extent still - why do British Army officers come so predominantly from the upper classes?
If the Navy operated like this Nelson would never have been given a chance.
The Army was clearly not a meritocracy at that time - I'd say it's trying to change with limited success