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Nighty Night

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murraymints | 21:50 Fri 24th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
can't keep my peepers open any to beddy bobos...see you on the GMEB thread tomorrow....nice to be back among all my friends again...night night xxxx...


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G'night, minty. x
night night minty. sleep well and no disturbances. you deserve a good night's rest. xx
Good to have you back. Sleep well and pleasant dreams. xx
see you minty, sleep well....
is dad any better ?
Night Minty xx
Question Author
anne..he's better than he was ..had him at hossie yesterday to have some nasties cut off his face and he's in a bit of pain but got some pills from doc to help him sleep...if he sleeps mum will sleep and if they both sleep then so can I ...nurse coming tomorrow to redress his wounds..they are both in bed now i'll go up and read a bit 'till i see their light go out...thanks for asking..xx

sweet dreams, murraymints
Smoke me a kipper....
I'll be back for breakfast.
Nae, Zac, It's Arbroath Smokies tomorrow in honour of the Mad Poet.
analgesia and something to allow them both to sleep, best for everyone, you included, take care .
Night, Minty.....sleep well....Gx
Aye DT, you'll no be wrong there laddie.

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Nighty Night

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