Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Right, Fess Up.......
31 Answers
who has Scouse brows?
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Good grief. The only time I notice eyebrows is when they are completely unnatural. I blame Cleopatra. https:/ /www.go ogle.co .uk/sea rch?q=c leopatr a+eyebr ows& ;tbm=is ch& tbo=u&a mp;sour ce=univ &sa =X& ei=2G_j UrnABuX F7Abdt4 D4CQ&am p;ved=0 CCoQsAQ &bi w=1024& amp;bih =675#fa crc=_&a mp;imgr c=N6_56 CNjWJq0 vM%253A %3BKAjg zsEh_qT 2QM%3Bh ttp%253 A%252F% 252Fass ets.she saidbea uty.com %252Fwp -conten t%252Fu ploads% 252F201 2%252F0 4%252FE lizabet h-Taylo r-Cleop atra2.j pg%3Bht tp%253A %252F%2 52Fblog .shesai dbeauty .com%25 2F2012% 252F04% 252F23% 252Fstu ck-in-a -makeup -rut-ge t-inspi red-by- film-2% 252F%3B 575%3B2 27