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So Fed Up

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phleb | 22:04 Sat 25th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Why do the last 5 weeks drag. I am so fed up, its unexplainable. I have this really numb horrible back pain, had it all day, yesterday I had headache all day. Baby is fine, moving like a mad child. I am getting so impatient, and want it born now, its too long to wait. When is it safe for the baby to arrive? raspberry leaf tea has come up a few times. but why do they drink it?

My tummy/legs everything is itchy. I crave cold icy food. I can't sit comfortably. I need to wee every half an hour. FED UP!


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Oh guys, i am grateful and i do want to go full 40 weeks. I just feel like its going pretty slow. I wont be taking rasp leaf tea, i don't know what its for, and will not risk taking anything that is not necessary. The itching has eased a bit, but not completely. I don't get rest, i have two others at home, and still doing the school run because the other half refuses to do it and i have no one else to help me. I am still cooking, cleaning and ironing etc. I just really feel exhausted and the back pain is not helping, if that wasn't there, i would be fine. Anyway, guess i should be grateful, considering how much i wanted this baby and still want it more than anything.
It'll be ok Phleb, just hang in there. I was huge on the things, couldn't even get my fat pants to stay up, x
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And today i just feel like crying....whats happening to me?
Hormones Phleb, just remember it will pass and then you will be too knackered to have the energy to cry! (At one stage I had a 7 year old, 4 year old, 2 year old and baby twins with no friends or family and himself seemingly working 24/7.)
Why is he refusing to do the school runs?
I'm sad you don't have the help from your OKH, phleb - I remember some of your previous threads :-(

Stick in there, though, five weeks will soon pass... honest!
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Ill get through it like I always do. Xx

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