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Tilly2 | 20:51 Mon 27th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
If you had £300 to spend on anything you liked, what would you buy?

I'd buy a .......?


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Thanks for that link, choux. I'm actually going to go for the second ones down.
Daisy - Probably a rack of lamb (med-rare) or lobster, starter perhaps seafood in some form, good cheeses and a nice red wine like a Ch Pierre, a St Julien (if lamb) or a Margaret River Semillon/Sauv Blanc for the shellfish. Dessert - a Pavlova washed down with some Tokaji 6 Puttenyos..........

So which hotel? I would phone around to see what deals were cooking (not LateHotels etc) - last time that I did this, I nailed Claridges for one heck of a rate.....very nice stay.
I would go for an avocado starter, (just dressing) followed by lobster salad. Fresh raspberries and cream and if I could manage it, the cheese board. Coffee!
Enjoy wine but not an expert. Prefer red but probably frowned on with that choice of food.
Nothing wrong with a red for fish - a Pinot Noir, Gamay or Cabernet Franc work well...slightly chilled as well.
Shoes :)
-- answer removed --
down payment on a water sail
I'd buy a ............................


[i]trivia ☺
A pair of EEEEEE fitting sturdy shoes
Nice pair of boots that I've had my eye on

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