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sherrardk | 19:38 Fri 31st Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Thing 2 is at a party and himself hasn't even noticed that he isn't here and that he hasn't been here since 4.10pm, is it just my husband who's like this or is it a general male trait?


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Aww...easily done, Sherr......MrG traveled a lot with work. I often had to check the bathroom for his shaving kit to remember whether he was in the country or not......☺
Well if you do have 113 children 1 may not be missed...........
Normal! My OH often asks me if older daughter is in yet. I have to remind him- I've literally walked in from work. He has been here all evening.
He has even rung me at work, from home, to ask if our daughter is home.
you always make me smile when you call your kids "thing" xx
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He's only 5, it's not like he can come and go as he pleases.
Some friends of mine got home from Asda, unloaded all of their shopping from their car into the house and only then noticed that their toddler son was missing. They'd left him, in his pushchair, a mile away on the Asda car park! (When they got back to him, after breaking a lot of speed limits, they found him totally unconcerned, happily chatting away to shoppers passing by!)
It's a man thing Sher. My other half wouldn't notice if I were stark naked and painted bright blue when he walked into the room, let alone notice if our only child was missing!
It's a man thing, we don't need to worry about situations like this cos we know you've got it covered
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Good job he doesn't often take them all somewhere on his own.
Oh come on! even the prime minister left one of his offspring at the pub
OH was home about 3 hours yesterday before he asked where the kids were.
I know a train driver , one day someone activated the emergency alarm because they had just realised they had left the baby in a push chair on the platform at the last station. He could not go back so he had to ring the station staff who collected the child and then put him on the next train with a staff member to look after him, the child was fine still asleep.'s easy done.

My mum left my sister outside the post office in her pram. She walked home with that 'i'm sure I've forgot something' feeling...
My sis went shopping and came home without the baby...still asleep in buggy outside shop !
yes. you are married - presumably to a man. you have male children and you have only just noticed this. unbelievable.

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