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Well Done, Nibble!...

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boxtops | 09:25 Sat 01st Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
...on completing the Dryathon by giving up alcohol for January, to raise funds for Cancer Relief. I'll let him comment, but whoop! whoop!!

...and well done to everyone else, sponsored or not, whose alcohol-fast is over!


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boxy @1136, have done.
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Nibble's just got up (he was working til 0230 this morning) so I'm replying - his weight hasn't changed at all, nor has his waist measurement! (I think he looks sleeker, though!)
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Thanks Baldric, much appreciated!
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DTC, the fundraising bit was a big incentive, too, as the donors were relying on him! - he's got a JustGiving donation page so people supporting him have found the process not difficult (and they can add the Gift Aid too, doing it that way).

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Well Done, Nibble!...

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