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Washing Machines

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john1066 | 10:41 Mon 03rd Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
When our washing machine is emptying we get a very strong unpleasant smell. What do you think is the problem..xx


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Buy a bag of soda crystals from the supermarket add a couple if cups worth to the drum of the machine and put it on a hot wash.

When not in use leave the door open.

And if you use liquid detergent consider swapping to powder as apparently liquid is often the cause of a smelly machine.
^I agree with Eccles.

Also, take the drawer out when not in use. It can get mouldy and pongy so clean it regularly and let it dry between washes.
There is nothing much's just the dampness causing a smell in the air inside the unused machine...the air is forced out when the machine starts pumping.
As stated, more common if liquid detergent is used...and improves if you leave door and powder drawer open when not in use.
Had the same problem, did what Eccles says, no more bad smells.

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