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Four Weeks To Go

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phleb | 01:07 Mon 03rd Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Is there anything I can do to speed things up? or have an easy labour. I'm going for vbac, and I am pretty sure its not going to be straight forward, although I hope it will.

When is it safe for the baby to be born at this stage? How early is safe early?

I heard about Evening does it work?



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4 weeks to go............your baby is safest where he/she is. do you want a premature baby ?
Phleb - don't - I think you were advised not to think about interfering with nature, on your thread last week. Your baby has so much better chance of everything being 100% OK if baby goes to full term - and you have only 4 weeks to go. You know that much continues to develop in utero during those last few weeks.... don't risk it.
At this stage do nothing to try to speed things up - full term is ideal for a reason.

My second was born at 35 weeks and although not ill, I would have preferred her to have gone full term.
As a bachelor, I am probably not the best qualified person to answer this, but my mother put great faith in Gin !
I had problems in my 3rd pregnancy and was told by the consultant that had I been over 30 weeks he would have delivered. He was born at just over 36 weeks weighing 7lb 4oz. I did have quite a few injections to mature his lungs though...
My oldest and youngest were both 15 days early. Oldest fine, youngest has sensory processing disorder and autism. I don't think it was to do with being a bit early, but really don't know. He also has asthma. Pregnancies do feel a long time and i remember the impatience i felt, that your life feels on hold until the birth. But the baby is safest where it is and will come when it's ready.
Hang in there, phleb, not really too long to go now, and you might be early, but please don't try to make it happen, it's not worth the risk xx
Put your feet up and relax - because it's your last chance for a while.
It will come in it's own time phleb. I have never been pregnant so I don't know what you are going through with discomfort and frustration. Hang on in there in a couple more weeks you may just pop. Sending a hug x
Phleb....take full advantage of plonking down with remote and a cuppa...won't get the chance again for a long time.....Good
I felt the same way at that time as you are doing now Phleb. Everyone told me to hang in there so I did. Little Tiggs arrived 5 days early and all healthy. So, hang in there.....good luck!

good morning phleb

i concur with everyone here, wait it out - it'll be worth it
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Oh its only 4 weeks, you are all right, I waiting 8 months, another month wont kill me. I am feeling so fed up though, and don't have much company during the day, so mat leave has been boring so far, and there is only so much feet up I can do. x

then the answer is to spend your time on here

there will always be some of us here to chat with
Hear, hear, excel - we always enjoy chatting with phleb!
Think yourself lucky that your baby has not arrived before the time needed for full development.
Phleb, it's only four weeks. Play candy crush, read a book, etc. I had the things two weeks early (they made me have a c section) and thing 1 didn't look cooked enough, almost see-through. Chili and enjoy your other children whilst you have some time and your eyes are not melting from lack of sleep. (Don't want to horrible, but the baby could be late!).
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Aw excel and boxtops, i am delighted that you enjoy chatting to me lol
A friend of mine drank raspberry leaf tea before her first baby. Apparently, you have to start drinking it a few weeks before the due date. She always reckoned it helped her labour but of course it is not possible to tell how the labour would have progressed without it but she swore by it and she is a midwife.
If I remember rightly, phleb, very uncomfortable towards the end, difficult to sleep etc. I hope all goes well xx

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