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Where Is Everyone

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Caran | 01:55 Wed 05th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Am I the only one still awake?


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good morning, Caran
Question Author
Good morning excelsior-1 what have you been up to?
Hiya, busily trying to finish some quizzes after a busy day with the Grandtiddlers.

late shift at work - got home shortly before midnight - i never go straight to bed, i usually wind down and relax for a couple of hours

hello Mamya
Question Author
Mundane sort of day here, put new fencing up with OH after storms blew it down, very cold and blowy. Had to pick grandson up from school bus and take him to rugby training, then cooked a venison meatballs with spaghetti. Lots of sudoku's, crosswords and AB.
I'm awake. Awake until 3 most nights!

good morning cupid
Question Author
Hi Mamya and Cupid.
Morning excel. x
Hi everyone. xx

i'm away to bed now

a very good night to you, ladies
Question Author
Goodnight excelsior.
Hi all, im awake.
Question Author
Thank heavens for that!
Early good morning, Caran! There's always someone around on AB isn't there, though it does go a bit flat about 3.15 am? Some are real night owls here. I am surprised when I post at 2 am , that I get replies.
hello all, its roaring wind here and the dogs are hunting monsters in the garden
I'm here awaiting a huge dumping of snow; however, I much prefer that to some of the weather that some of you lot are getting.
Sat here waiting for idiot cat to come back in. Soooo ruddy cold.

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