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Tilly2 | 10:49 Wed 05th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Has anyone tried to access this site this morning? I can't get it to load.


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No, I cant get the website to load either.
It loads for me on :
But it does look strange and unfinished.
Question Author
Thank you both. I'll try it later, then. Obviously, they have gremlins.
I got in and am distraught. zilch, nothing, nada in February
Loaded for me
Question Author
I can now get on the page and put my holder number in and then it stops working.
I had to press Go a couple of times
Tilly, I had to enter my number several times (it kept saying incorrect number)before I got it to work .Persevere.
In and out in seconds. Nothing worth seeing, as usual. :(
Question Author
Thanks all. Got there eventually. Unusually, no prize this month. We normally win something between us. Never mind. It will soon be March!
I cant remember my numbers and at present time cant find the certs is there anyway I can check ? usually I wait for a letter around the 15th of the month, and wait.... and wait..... and wait..... no wins for about a year now.

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