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Root Canal

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breadstick | 12:48 Wed 05th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
anyone had one done?

is it painful?

how long does it take?

will i need the day off work afterwards?


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I've had several. Completely numb so no, under an hour if straightforward, prefer them to fillings. No worse than other dental treatment so cannot see why you would need day off afterwards.
It is a large job but you get sufficient painkillers that pain is minimal or non existent. But may need more added as the job goes on.

My memory of awful these days but I think I had it all sorted in an hour or two with a temporary "top" which was then replaced with a permanent one at the next visit.

No you will not need time off save for the dental visit itself.

In fairness I should point out that my dentist was suggesting I visit an expert at one stage but found he was able to do the job himself after all.
I've had two - painless and working again the same day
memory IS awful
like I wrote >:-(
I had 17 implants, now that was painful.
had 1 last year,tooth out,1st sinse baby teeth,takes a few weeks
No the pain should be in the cause of the root canal - pervious infection and tooth ache....

basically the tooth is now dead so the whole treatment is easy.
I had mine done and this is what happened.....

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