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Storm Damage ...

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Ann | 21:46 Wed 05th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Just hope everyone's safe in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset. We feel so sorry for you all. The wind is really strong here tonight (East Leicestershire) but nothing to compare what conditions you have endured from what we have seen on the News.


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My colleague was heading down to Cornwall after work this evening. He said the rail line had collapsed into the sea and he would be going by coach. His mother lives there.

Hope everyone is Ok x
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If you didn't see the news at teatime - watch at 10pm. There is so much damage on the South coast ................... just hope everyone is safe, maybe they have lost power, thousands of homes without it.
An FB friend of mine lost their out with the clothes they were dressed in, pets, mobile phone and that was all.
Luckily no floods (no rivers). Lost fence last week. had to look for bin this afternoon before I could put the rubbish out. Now have heavy chair under window to stop carpet lifting in the wind. Looked like Sci Fi.
Every town on the coast has something - St Mawes for example, the Idle Rocks hotel seriously damaged - waves throwing rocks at the windows and the water following, just reopened after renovation. Kingsand - houses undermined, 20 houses evacuated in a small village. My sister - 6 trees down in her 1.5 acre garden....4 pines and a Verbena gone, the latter destroying another young tree. Lots of damage and flooding inland but okay here - just a lot of detritus and the place is like a brown Russian mud-bath (for those of you who have ever travelled from Helsinki to St Petersburg in April). A lot of flooding as well and the lanes are really dangerous with grit and mud everywhere, to go along with enlarged potholes.

Still blowing out there but not as strong as last night.
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I was watching the BBC News channel live at 3pm when a police helicopter hovered overhead with a loudspeaker/tannoy telling people to evacuate their homes NOW as they were in grave danger. How frightening that must have been, especially if they had small children or pets to get ready. In a panic what other possessions would you save?
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Glad you are safe DT, and other ABers in your area. We are thinking of you all x
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Our thoughts exactly Steve, OH and I said just the same, give all the "overseas aid" fund to help re-build our own country after these awful storms.
Ann, where was that (the live broadcast)?
We were down at my sisters this afternoon when see got a call from her son who lives at Exmouth.His house is away from the coast and up hill and at the moment full of assorted friends and animals who needed rehousing. His ex MiL who has a boarding house near the front has been flooded out though.
A restaurant here that was located near the water was virtually submerged by waves.
Some rather frightening photos here.....
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On here woofgang - villagers told to evacuate to North Petherton
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Sad to see on the news tonight Porthleven harbour where many boats etc have been destroyed, one of the lovely Cornish places we used to visit on holiday. Really feel for the fishermen whose boats and livelihoods are gone.
Thanks Ann.

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