Mornin' lady-J, hope you have a great day too.
I'm going to find lots of indoors'y stuff to do then have a baking session later.
Ta-Ra for now all, have a good'un
Minty, I prayed at the alter of Ye olde Asda yesterday and got a lovely jumper for the OH. They do some great casserole sauces too which I'll try out for tea.
Have a fab day xx
dee so sorry about minnie. be glad she will not suffer any more, poor little thing. be glad you had her for as long as you did and that you gave her a happy life. of course VEB knows. animals do have feeligs and memories. it's just difficult to explain to them. hugs to you.
went to sainsbury's cathedral yesterday. the fact that it is not raining at the moment is sooooo encouraging. am going mad. have got third load of washing sacrificed at the moment. downstairs floors washed and am thinking of attacking the windows so that we can see out of them.
yesterday the lane was even further under water. still navigable so no problems. hear that the levsl have got worse. poor things. who are the sick bar****ds who have been lootings.