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Missing Bbc

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netibiza | 08:03 Fri 07th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Anyone else here in Europe lost the BBC? Although I can watch on internet, it's not the same!


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Well you can't have Sun sand etc AND the BBC ! Lol xx
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I do not want sun, sand etc! I want the Beeb!
Well ....grab a flight..we'll all budge up !!!
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Hardly any flights either, there may be one a day but I doubt it, oh woe! have known for the past 9 on this that certain channels would be going to Astra2 satellite to give parts of the UK a better reception. Unfortunately this would compromise reception in the south of France! Southern Spain and the Balearics.

You have a couple of alternatives..a) bigger dish 3.2.metres or b)playing the input through a PC.

We bought the large 3.2 metre dish 10 months ago and our reception has not been affected.
A friend of ours lives in Tenerife and she has lost it too, but not sure why
That should be " last 9 months."
A dish ten feet wide ? EEK !!
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Sqad I just hoped it wouldn't happen! and none of us here were sure if it would happen. Our villa is old and would not support a big dish, 3m? jesus! We don't have much income at the moment so buying a bigger dish is out of the question,and I doubt the local council would give permission for such a big dish, and yes we have to apply! and our internet is very dodgy even though we have upgraded to Fusion. I watch most stuff on the internet but it freezes. Why can't they leave things alone, it's poor Mr N I feel sorry for.
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Back to watching Spanish tv I guess.
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I hate living here!
You been there long netti ?
netty.....just back from breakfast and i gather that the exPats are throwing themselves off the cliffs and taking massive overdoses at the thought of no Coronation Street, Emmerdale and the Sports channels.

I can understand how you feel....luckily ours is a modern villa and we didn't need planning permission for the for the 3metre dish, although our villa looks like Jodrell Bank.

I have been thinking about your post above and could you,swap your Sky box for an HD Freesat box €75 from Amazon or €90 from your local store in Ibiza?
Your not alone Nettie. Just been checking some expats forums for Portugal and
nice one, watching live bbc and getting away with not having to pay for a licence
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Not paying for a licence is about all us expats get away with, wish we had a cushy life with all the benefits going on in England. Even as a pensioner I have to pay for meds.

Murraymints, been here 43yrs, came as a young girl, became a clean hippie, finally met and married Mr Netibiza, poor sod! I long to return home, but he couldn't stand the UK anymore, although we do find it remarkably cheap.
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Sqad, if we had an HD sky box (where is my local store??) would we have to change out normal sky subscription to HD: My sister gave me one last December but on arriving back here, we found it was a normal white sky box, not HD!
netty.......sorry, I do not have the answer to your questions.

I am sure that on Ibiza there is a Spaniard or a Brit, or both that deals with these problems.

I will try and ask around re. the boxes.
netty....I have just made a few telephone calls and there is all sorts of ideas.
About my suggestion......get a TV bloke to give his advice, as I am sure that it would work, but you would have to pay something to Skye monthly depending upon the package.

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