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Ebay - Finding A Seller

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sherrardk | 20:22 Fri 07th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Is there a way I can find a particular seller on ebay? I know the name I am looking for but I am not too familiar with ebay and have already spent what seems like an age trying to find a way to do it.


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If you are using the ebay app go to the home page and tap the search box. This should make the search box bigger (almost the width of the screen I am using an ipad) tap the blue magnifier glass icon to the left and you should get 2 choices and one of them is seller.
go from the search box on the home page, to the right you will see advanced search, that will take you to the next page where you will get an option to find seller.

Hope that makes sense.
Do you know the real name or the username?
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Thank ou, sorted it now.

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Ebay - Finding A Seller

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