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cupid04 | 18:21 Sat 08th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
What happened to my best answer? You can go off people you know:-(


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my green lady has disappeared into the sunset not seen or spoke for weeks she has a dodgy dongle bless her xx
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Is that a euphemism?
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Hi tilly[cupid waves] it's a all sorted now, lol! xx
Tilly, she's innocent here
I'm bad xx
That's O.K. then. We don't want any falling out, do we?
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I'm innocent tilly. Was never told about dongles when I learnt the facts of life, lol! xx
I think you probably were, cupid but they were called something else then.
I'm sorry. I appear to have killed this thread. I'll bow out.
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Come back tilly, we have no cliques on here..............................
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tilly peoples attention spans just get bored and they join another post and another..................not your fault. xx
I'm not here.
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Nor am I!

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