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The Guardian Prize Crossword Is Too Difficult For Me Today

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Tilly2 | 15:35 Sat 08th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I've only done one across so far. I give up.


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I'll have a look x
26172? 1a addenda
jane austen characters is the theme tilly, don't give up.
22a is an angarm
1a is a dickens novel
15a as dead as ...
no 26178 bibble
Keep at it Tilly
2d) distaff
sorry, misread the numbers of those that i have scanned
One if the best puzzles for ages in the decidedly variable Guardian series. From the lovely Imogen :-)
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I managed Hard Times.
Thanks for the tip about Jane Austen, roslyn.
I'll have another go, later.
Thanks for your responses, everyone
Hang on! I haven't started it yet!! ;)
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Good luck with it, sloopy. I hope you enjoy it.
back later then
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Righty ho, sloopy.
I have the same luck with soduku Tillz
Question Author
So do I peter. After three numbers I've gone wrong. I don't bother anymore.

I hate being defeated by the crossword, though. I have managed to do a few more but somehow I am not enjoying doing it.
I didn't particularly enjoy it, but is on the 'done' pile.
Question Author
I'm glad it's not just me. Thanks, mamya.
it's not working for me either, I might have another go tomorrow

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