Hiya, I'm no expert in social science, but at a guess the question seems to be more 'out of the box' thinking i.e - why do some people do well in life, have joy, have success (not just in business or monetary terms) whilst others not have joy and success. (?)
When you answer, perhaps think of the social reasons for why some 'get on' in contemporary society more than others. Is it because they have had a privilaged up-bringing and have learnt form those around them how to succeed, or the opposite - a less privilaged upbringing which spurs them on to have success? Think 'self-efficay' are they more or less confident with other people/ situations depending on the social environment in which they are in? Do some people have talent which is self promoted well naturally, or do some still have talent, but not the confidence to show anyone?
What access do people have to 'good'/ joyous relationships with friends/ peers/ family? Does the fight or flight instinct to commit to being successful have an impact from todays social environment, - are we afraid of failure so don't bother trying, or does todays culture make us feel that we are 'entitled' to be successful regardless of the effort we put in to relationships/ projects?
Or you could play devil's advocate and question the question itself - How do we specify what constitutes losing or winning in life?
Just a thought, hope it helps?
Good Luck! :-)