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bobtheturkey | 19:43 Sun 09th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Spend your life as a clothes peg or a tea towel


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my god you must be bored bob lol
As a tea towel I'd constantly get wetter as I dry; but as a clothes peg, I can hang on with anticipation!!
Clothes peg.

Lots of fresh air and (for the pervy amongst us) you might get the chance to lurk around underwear.
Quite a brief reply there Sp.
mmmmm, I'll have to think about this one, bob.
By the way have you still got your Orange bucket from B&Q ?.
Question Author
Several, daft punk e mailed me to ask if they could use one as a new helmet
But, saying that, as a tea towel there is no chance of you pegging it!!
Not a difficult choice really: who wants to spend most of their life with a rope jammed up their crotch?

Question Author
Several, daft punk e mailed me to ask if they could use one as a new helmet

Doh, he got my email then ;-)
What a daft question, if you don't mind me saying.
I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail.......
And I'd rather be an hammer than a nail, yes I would if I only could.
Which question, Tilly: mine or the OP?:)
Not a difficult choice really: who wants to spend most of their life with a rope jammed up their crotch?
stewey for best answer! lol
Stewey, the OP. If I only could, I surely would.
Hey BTT how have you been ?
>"What a daft question, if you don't mind me saying."

bob probably sees that as a compliment, Tilly, if you look at his profile.

Maybe it's a metaphor, Tilly- are you a hanger-on or do people hang on to you
Who hangs on to a tea towel? I put mine down as soon as possible.

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