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To Work Or Not?

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crapmemory | 19:47 Sun 09th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I was made redundant in 2009 and didn't get another job until 2011 which I didn't really like. I stayed in this job until January this year and found another job. Sadly I think I've made a bad decision and I don't like my new job. I really would like to stop working and perhaps find a part time job but I can't see my OH agreeing. Any suggestions? BTW I'm 60 this year. TIA


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You've only been there since January, I think you need to give it more of a chance than that. If you can afford to get a part time job then go ahead and start looking (easier to find work when you're actually working) but if not then looks like you either look for a new job or give the current one you've got a bit longer to see if it improves.
19:50 Sun 09th Feb 2014
if you hate your job and you can manage only doing part time go for it
You've only been there since January, I think you need to give it more of a chance than that. If you can afford to get a part time job then go ahead and start looking (easier to find work when you're actually working) but if not then looks like you either look for a new job or give the current one you've got a bit longer to see if it improves.
good advice china doll
i am like you crap, in the fact that i would like to cut down, or even give up. However, i'm only 40!
A pal got out, a year or two younger than your age. His Mrs. has been on his back about money ever since and he wishes he had stuck it out and tried to find something else.

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