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Home Inspection Packs - Help or Hinderance?

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LazyGun | 18:02 Mon 13th Mar 2006 | Home & Garden
9 Answers
What do ABers think of the new Home Inspection Packs being introduced as a "dry run" in selected areas of the UK from summer 2006?

It is my understanding that under the current legislation,it will be illegal to sell a house without such a pack, from summer 2007. These packs will contain a Home Condition Report and an Energy Efficiency Report, amongst other things. They are designed, I believe, to improve confidence amongst prospective buyers, but they obviously have cost implications.

I would be interested in any feedback or comments you might have.


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The only I have to say about is that its just another method of raising money for the goverment/Council, another word would be lagalised thievery.
'thing'. is the missing word.
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thanks for the link, lady :)
np :)
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That Bristol trial.... seems consumers were heavily in favour of these things... I think I am a little more encouraged about them now :)

Is it not the reverse on this kind of thing.

When you get survey done - why not rectify everything and then you can sell in confidence with a clean survey.

I would like to think if you did all repairs then your clearance survey would be just paperwork.

all it will do is push up the cost of the property, Mortgage lenders won't accept it as they carry out there own survey, so it will hit first time buyers, because all that will happen is the seller bungs it on the selling price. Scap it!

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