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How Will You Spend Valentine's Day?

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NoMercy | 19:43 Thu 13th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Any grand plans?


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Bits and bobs during the day and then down the pub in the evening, just the usual friday for me.
I class Friday as my day off (in that I don't do any ironing).
annual do, co-incidental it's tomorrow, but hey!
If it's as sunny as it's been today, I'll have th clean the windows outside, sun's all very nice but it does show up all the dirt.
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Neither do I, Ummmm... ;)

Having all 4 grandkids over for long weekend, so mum and dad can have some 'fun time' . Since granny and papa can't due to him being away yet again on our anniversary tomorrow. Sure he does it on purpose. Lol
Avoiding the postman, he hates having to deliver all those letters to me :-)

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