Food & Drink3 mins ago
firefox bookmarks
2 Answers
i have several different sport sites as bookmarks & want to put them in 1 folder but i can't work out how to do it , help pls
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No best answer has yet been selected by barryoconnel. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.
For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our the top of the window, bookmarks->manage bookmarks->click the button 'add folder'. type in whwat you want, press ok.
to ad bookmarks to that folder, once on the site you want, click bookmarks->bookmark this page. choose that folder!
another easier way is to open the bookmarks side panel (may be a button at the top of window, or press ctrl+B), and drag the little icon next to the "http:" bit at the top of the window to the folder you want. it'll get added that way too.
to ad bookmarks to that folder, once on the site you want, click bookmarks->bookmark this page. choose that folder!
another easier way is to open the bookmarks side panel (may be a button at the top of window, or press ctrl+B), and drag the little icon next to the "http:" bit at the top of the window to the folder you want. it'll get added that way too.