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Tv Cabinet?

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berniecuddles | 14:44 Sun 16th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
just spent 3 hours of my life putting a wooden tv cabinet together mrs (diy) cuddles had all the instructions i let her take control hmmmmm should have took an hour, hope shes ok getting a screwdriver removed from an orifice up the hospital!!


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That's right, blame the Mrs! :-)
See, in this house it'd be Mr RR getting a screwdriver shoved up an orifice, he's useless at putting furniture together.
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wonder if i will get my screwdriver back?
ummmm i wanted to do it tomorrow on my own but she wouldn't wait, women tch!
now if you'd put it together yesterday, after collecting it, then Sunday would have been a day of bliss :-D
When my OH says, "I'll do it tomorrow", i don't believe him either;-). Still, hope you get your screwdriver back.
She was probably only trying to help, Bernie.

I'm quite good at flat-pack assembly :o)

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Tv Cabinet?

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