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Spacestation Sightings This Evening Over The Uk

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wendilla | 17:44 Sun 16th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
1st sighting 6 33pm for 3 mins WSW departing E

2nd sighting 8 08 pm for 1 min W departing W

Looks ok so far here in Leics.


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Still clear skies here in Leics.
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Another good sighting .
Pretty clear sky here to, wendilla, I might catch the second sighting.
Flippin' cold out there now with the clear sky. I'll watch it through the window. Thanks, wendi.
Brilliant view tonight, wendilla, even to the naked eye - it's the first time I've been able to see the fly-over this year! It's a beautiful starry night out there at last....
I can't see the full moon yet.
The moon's in the south-east at the moment, tills - we can't see it either yet, it's below the rooflines opposite us.
It's going to be lighting up my bedroom tonight. I love that.
Thanks, boxy. I see it's on its way.

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Spacestation Sightings This Evening Over The Uk

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