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Car Stickers - What's The Funniest You've Seen?

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10ClarionSt | 16:47 Sat 15th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I saw this one. Made me laugh.

I owe. I owe. It's off to work I go.

Any others?


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A child is for life, not just for benefits.
On the back of a truck

"Free Airbag Testing, Apply Here"

(with an arrow pointing down to the bump bar)
An old favourite from Germany!
And you can still get it on eBay!;hash=item3a8bad5144
(Keep fit through sport, Have another f*** - except that their word bumsen is nicer)
Not a car sticker, but on the back of a van (I can't remember the name of the firm so the one I have used is made up)

Dave Bloggs & Sons
Barnsley, London, Milan, Paris & New York......but mainly Barnsley

I like that Mrs. O.

I heard of a sewage tanker with a sign on the back:

"No stools left in this vehicle overnight"

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