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This Crazy Necknomination Fad, Would It Be Considered Bad Form If You Were Challenged To...

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sandyRoe | 00:26 Tue 18th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
...drink a tumbler of whiskey and you actually used cold tea?


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thanks sandy .
Still waiting for Baby_Sham to post a video of her definition of Milking...
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At the full moon do people go out and owl at the heavens?
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Maybe if they were at a full moon party..
I am quite taken with Owling now.
"Still waiting for Baby_Sham to post a video of her definition of Milking..."

Hahaha! Thankyou for making me laugh so much.... dirtbox :P
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This is all part of Internet and twitter etc. Previously we had no way of sharing crazy ideas in the way it is now done. Everyone searching for moment of fame and if it kills me, hey ho at least for a moment I was noticed.
It's a stupid and dangerous thing to get involved in.
My great nephew, 14, posted that neck nomination was stupid. I had to google it to discover what it was. Must be age!
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Chewn has piqued my curiosity. What's the chemical thread about?
It's about you, Sandy
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Should my ears be burning? Is there a link?
I can't do links, sorry. The thread is called Chemical Assistance...
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I practically live in front of the computer and I missed that. Hard to believe
another person died yesterday, from necking two pints of gin, crazy.

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This Crazy Necknomination Fad, Would It Be Considered Bad Form If You Were Challenged To...

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