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Thanks, Tilly2!

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stewey | 14:19 Tue 18th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
For predicting, in "Weather", on Saturday that we would be getting more snow. Woke up this morning to more of it. Not a huge amount, about four inches so far; however, it's an unwelcome addition to the stuff already lying around, But I prefer this to the winds and flooding that some of you have had. Here's an interesting article about the 1928 flood of London:


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Only four inches, stewey, only a dusting that to Canadians anyway.
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Compared to what they get up north, out west, or down east that's what it is, Tony:)
I know, stewey, I have cousins in the Vancouver area and I have seen photo's of when it's snowed properly !.
My brother in NY keeps telling me...'oh...we've had more snow. Just 3-4 inches'. We'd panic here if we got so
He also said there has been little news coverage of our weather here. I had a search and only found a bit on CNN.
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That's true, pastafreak; the only reason I know about the winds and floods over there is from reading about them on this site.
I sent my brother some links to photos and videos of the floods and damage...he said it looked like the UK version of hurricane Sandy.
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I know that you like to cook. pasta, so I'll tell you that i just finished putting a 1/8" pastry crust on top of my pork-pot pie, so that and a side dish of pickled beets will be our meal for later on.
Ooo...I love pastry...but it no longer likes me...*sob!* Enjoy :-)
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Home made pastry too...I'll have you know.
Just seen this, stewey. Wow, I'm good!

Don't ask me for this weeks lottery numbers. I'm not that good.
Stewey, you told me you had MORE than 4 inches :-\
Perhaps stewey was working in centimetres, Pixie.
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This is an additional four inches:)
Snow off! off!

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Thanks, Tilly2!

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