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Can It Be Right That Pigs Are Shot In Order To Sharpen The Skills Of Military Surgeons?

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sandyRoe | 16:04 Tue 18th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers


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Not sure what I think yet, will give it some thought.

You are posting a lot in the crosswords section lately Sandy, mistake or intention?
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A mistake, Mamya. This should have been in Chatterbank
The pigs will be killed, anyway. They might prefer a quick death from a bullet to being taken to the slaughterhouse, knowing what awaits them there.
Easily done now the topics are adjacent.
.... or, mamy, he is trying to stir up cross words. I think that happens in the News section.
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I suppose if they were given a last hearty breakfast, allowed a last cigarette if they wanted one, and were deeply anaesthetised, it would be a better way to go than in a slaughterhouse, as pointed out by Bookbinder.
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I'm surprised, I thought this topic might have attracted more interest.
" the military training courses are nicknamed Operation Danish Bacon "

Maybe that's a little insensitive ?
//I thought this topic might have attracted more interest//

Sandy, you should've reposted it somewhere that we could find it.
When I read that JJ, I had to check it wasn't April the 1st. I do feel sorry that the pigs might suffer but if you put human life first then these things have to happen sometimes.
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It Chatterbank being next to Crosswords alphabetically that's the problem. You aim for one and the slightest slip of the mouse sees you in t'other

///All animals used in medical training are anaesthetised before they are treated///

In that case could they still be used for bacon sarnies?
On the plus side, ratty, at least they are not shooting rats.
True JJ, and for that us rodents are very grateful.
Baldric ... I wonder if you feel sleepy after eating the bacon?

The occasional duvet day wouldn't go amiss JJ.
Rather than on life-prisoners or rats

come one of course it is - who wants a surgeon who says I havent done this before but with luck....
// I do feel sorry that the pigs might suffer but if you put human life first then these things have to happen sometimes.//

Who actually decides that human life comes first ? Ahh of course humans make that decision.

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"...who wants a surgeon who says I havent done this before but with luck...."
Though I'm world renowned for treating pigs with gunshot wounds and, incidentally, my skills at carving a gammon joint have to be seen to be believed.

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Can It Be Right That Pigs Are Shot In Order To Sharpen The Skills Of Military Surgeons?

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