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Confused Of Forest Of Dean

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Caran | 01:16 Fri 21st Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Came on earlier and message said we will be back at 3.00 am. Just checking and it's here. What is going on?


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Someone forgot to take the sign down from last night then. Although site was back before 3am.
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Thanks Mamya.
Is ok, one of the problems of only checking in late, things happening earlier have slipped from latest posts.

Hope you are well.
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Mamya I'm great, hope you are too!
Had a rough week (Dental abscess), but on better side now. Wait to see what dentist decides to do or not tomorrow.
Question Author
Oh Mamya I feel for you, I had one many years ago and I remember the pain unbearable. Hope it is sorted soon.
It will be am sure.

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